Go to Administration - Security Settings
This is where you can activate or deactivate security settings.
Multi-Factor Authentication
When the user successfully logs in, a verification code will be emailed to them. This needs to be added on the Verify Identity page, to enable access.
Activate the setting
Select the User Levels you wish to enable this for
Password Expiry Duration
Activate the setting
Select a time period from the list. After this time the user will be prompted to change their password.
Change Password on First Login
Switch this on to prompt users to change their password when they first log in. Please note this will only appear for users that have not logged in before.
Enforce Strong Password
This will force users to choose a strong password.
A strong password must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least 1 upper case, 1 lower case letter, 1 number and 1 special character.
We recommend this setting is left on.
Click Update to save your changes.