To Add User:
Go to Administration > Trainees > User Management
Select Add User(s)
Fill in the Form with the required information
First Name and Last Name - this will be the name that is printed on the certificate
Person Identifier must be unique to the individual. This could be their name or an employee number
e-Mail Address - this will enable any email notifications you have activated
Phone Number - this is optional
User Level - select the administration access you would like the user to have. If you leave this blank, the user will automatically be given 'Normal' access.
Select (-) if there are no Site Location, Department or User Group(s) to select from OR if you do not need to add the user to a specific group
Please note by assigning the (-) User Group, it will assign all courses to the user
Un-select "Use Default Password" if you want to set a unique user password
Click Submit to add your User
Similar Users
If you have users with a similar name or Personal Identifier, you will see the following
Click Proceed to continue to add your new user
Click Cancel to remove the table, enabling you to edit the user details