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Question Attributes Guide
Human-Focus avatar
Written by Human-Focus
Updated over a week ago

When you Create a New Question, you have a group of Attributes to choose from.

Go to the Questions Section

Click on the Plus icon to create a new question

Click on Create New Question

On the right hand side you can find a list of Attributes to choose from. Here are the main options.

Please note: Not all Attributes are available for all question types.

Enable/Disable the Attributes as required


Question Scoring gives the ability to choose the Score Weight of the question

Option Scoring gives the ability to choose the Score Weight of each answer


Enabling Mandatory will ensure the user has answered the question before continuing

Image Selection

This will enable you to upload images for answers

Create Group

This option enables you to create grouped questions

Allow Comment

This will enable the user to add a comment to the question if they wish

Actions Required

This will ask the user to create an Action before continuing

Allow Media Attachment

This will give the user the option to add any photos, videos or documents to a question

Show Areas

For Interactive Questions, enable Show Area(s) to show the user the boxes where the markers can be placed.

Enter Name Manually

For Person Questions, enable Enter Name Manually to give the user the ability to type a name, rather than selecting from the user menu.

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