Once you have completed the course, you may be required to complete a manual or practical assessment.
Every manual assessment is different. You may be required to watch a video, view a document or answer questions before uploading your personal video recording and any other evidence.
Accessing the Assessment on the Web
1. Select e-Learning
2. Select the e-Folder
3. Select the manual assessment
4. View any videos/documents and answer any questions
Record and Upload Your Evidence
5. Select Upload Media to upload other evidence
Drag and drop your files or select Browse file to search within your File Explorer
Select Upload All
6. Select Record Video to record your assessment (this is the recommended way) or Upload a prerecording video using Upload Media as above
7. Select Save
8. Select Submit to submit the assessment
Accessing the Assessment Through the App
1. Select e-Learning
2. Select the e-Folder
3. Select the manual assessment
4. View any videos/documents and answer any questions
Record and Upload Your Evidence
5. Select Upload Media
6. To record your assessment select Record Video (this is the recommended way). Alternatively select Choose Video to upload a pre-recorded video
7. Select Save
8. Select Submit to submit the assessment
When the assessment has been submitted, an assessor will provide feedback on your submission.
Your results will be emailed to you, along with your next steps.
Below demonstrates our Mental Health First Aid manual assessment